Thursday, December 30, 2010

I Resolve for YOU

My love of Year End Wrap Ups has been sufficiently documented, but frankly, I'm too lazy busy to catalog The Best And Worst Of 2010. And as most of you also know, I am really into seasonal goals that don't actually do much to improve my character or increase my health. Whatever! Those are the only goals I sometimes accomplish, so judge away. But let's discuss that one topic that never gets mentioned this time of year: Resolutions.

Since we have reached that blessed time when humans everywhere take stock of their many shortcomings and give a Valiant Effort – till March – to correct noted flaws, I am going to change it up a little this year. I'm going to make resolutions for other people. It's both a talent and a service! Here is the list I have come up with so far:

More restaurants should resolve to offer sandwiches/paninis with Nutella as the main ingredient. Because very nearly everything tastes better with Nutella. In fact, it should also be offered as a sauce/side to all entrees and appetizers. Watch out ketchup!

The Indianapolis Colts should resolve to win more games. I mean – what happened? Peyton is practically Zeus reincarnate. I know there have been injuries and yada yada yada, so maybe Austin Collie and Dallas Clark should resolve to
stop getting hurt.

THE NEIGHBORS should resolve to stop smoking, stop buying horrible yappy dogs they neglect, stop re-landscaping with their newfound inheritance money since we both know it will be a field of weeds doubling as a parking lot in a couple months anyway, and stop living next door.

All authors everywhere should resolve to create a male character that doesn't have crooked/lopsided/uneven but Completely Adorable smile. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who gags when EVERY MALE LEAD in every book has this wack mouth. Or maybe I am the only one who notices, because I don't have many YA fic lovin friends and am probably totally alone in this grievance. But whatev – the point is: What does a crooked smile look like?! I get that it's supposed to be this cute and unique faux-flaw on Otherwise Flawless Boy – but it always sounds kind of gross to me.

Celebrities and "celebrities" should resolve to stop naming their babies crazy-a names. Pilot Inspektor? Buddy Bear Maurice? Perhaps I ought to send "Welcome to Earth!" cards to these rich and famous, complete with tips on How To Not Screw Up Your Child Who Will Probably Interact With Normal Humans For The Rest Of Its Life.

What about you guys – any resolutions you would make for everybody else?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dear Santa,

We've never had a real chat, you and I. And by real I mean me writing a blog post on The Internet to you, which of course you will receive with delight. I think you'd agree that it's time we cleared a few things up.

So here's the deal: I've been a goodish girl this year. I turn a blind eye to THE NEIGHBORS, I recycle, I stopped flipping people off when they cut me off in traffic. I even smiled at some nutty old lady the other day in Trader Joes. That's what we call PROGRESS, Mr. Claus.

So my question is thus: When will I finally get the awesome presents that I deserve?

I know they say that this season isn't about the presents you get, but that is a load of LIES. Gifts are the reason I stuff my year full of good deeds. And at this point I think I have earned something more than flannel pajama sets and scented candles.

What I'm trying to say is that I need black Louboutin pumps, a big Marc Jacobs purse, and a dainty gold necklace for starters. We can move onto bigger items next year, since there is some supposed economic crisis going on.

I don't want to sound all scroogey with my needs; it's not like I don't love the Christmas spirit because I DO. This is the only time of year I stuff myself full of nogg and gingerbread cookies ON PURPOSE. It's just that I appreciate tangible benefits for all the troubles I go to with my giving heart.

And should you doubt that I deserve what I so desire, let he who is without blame cast himself off the sleigh. YOU, Jolly Ole' St. Nicholas, are the one who sees us when we're sleeping and knows when we're awake. In other words, pervy.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome to Hogwarts – Please choose 1 of 4 stereotypes and take a seat

Happy Harry Potter #7 vol.1 Release Season ya'll. Hope you got your midnight viewing tickets ordered because those suckers were sold out an eternity ago. I for one prefer to view my films with some semblance of alertness and cognition – and a #2 from In-N-Out with a neopolitan shake -- so I'm gonna forgo on the 12:03 show in the Roxy Theater tonight Sam, but thanks.

A while back I read a blog about some galpals who found themselves constantly sorting all types of human, real and fiction alike, into the different Hogwarts Houses. And I was like – WE ARE SOUL MATES 4 LIFE. Because after my fifth time reading through the whole series, I found me doing the same thing. Like, I'd be sitting in church and look down the pew in front of me, head by head, and make a case why Lori McWhiteTeeth would be in Ravenclaw, or Daniel "Kung Fu" Smith would be in Gryffindor. What? Like you ALWAYS pay attention in church. Whatevs.

The point is – I realized something. I bet that most of us HP fans have often mused about how mind-blowingly awesome it would be if we went to Hogwarts, and how we would TOTALLY be in Gryffindor because they obvs give the smackdown to all other houses on a weekly basis and how Oliver Wood would feel like 15 bludgers just came crashing into him if we came strutting our stuff out onto the Quidditch pitch. And we would be besties with the Weasley twins AND Peeves and find ways to subtly light Draco Malfoy's robes on fire in the hallway.

But you know what ya'll? Most of us WOULDN'T be Gryffindor, okay? I might be doing a bit of adding upon with the JKR Cannon, so don't burn me at the stake or anything, but we only have so much to go on description-wise about the four houses from the books. And we just CAN'T all be heroes, you know? Like Will Rogers said, someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they march triumphantly by. And you and me pal? We're probably the curb-sitting clappers.

What I would really love to see happen is for people to just CHILL OUT about Gryffindor and accept that if they got Sorted, they'd probably be Hufflepuffs.

Gryffindors are indeed Brave At Heart, and Loyal and True, as well as optimistic and idealists. They just can't do half-hearted gestures. I mean, look at Fred and George. For most of us, a nice "Up yours! The DA FOREVER!!" and the finger to Umbridge as we stormed out of school for the last effing time would have been huge. But the twins have to go fly around on banned broomsticks, conjuring up nasty swamps in the hallways and setting off nuke-size fireworks. And then of course there's Harry. Our bad-a Voldemort-hunting Hero, who can also be a bit rash and probably would have found himself having nightly pillow duels with Neville's parents in St. Mungo's if it hadn't been for The Brains of the operation, Hermoine. So while the Gryffs dominate Quidditch and have chivalry oozing from their big hearts and out of their pores, they aren't really known for their calm and cool logical abilities.

For the House of Gryffindor, I place . . . My brother Sam. Who cried a lot as a child, but now is in Junior High ASB and is a protector of the weak and friendless. Love for the scarlet and gold!

Ravenclaws = nerdy pants, right? Well – yes. But that's not all! While it's true that Rowena Ravenclaw claimed that "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," she never said anything about humility or kindness. And if you have to slip a puking pastel into the oatmeal of your best friend who is also top in the class to claim that "greatest treasure" for yourself before you head off to midterms, well, so be it. Of course, most Raves are kind – as Luna Lovegood is the walking proof of this. And –er, creative. And Luna's crazy jewelry is also proof of this. So while you might want to look elsewhere if what you desire is an emotional hug, you're gonna want a Ravenclaw on speed dial should you "accidentally" break international wizarding law or need some last-minute help on schematics for a new flying car.

For the House of Ravenclaw, I place . . . The alpha male who shall remain nameless that I went out with that one time. Smart? check. Ambitious? check. Witty? check. Unsupportive of my love of karaoke? Double check.

Hufflepuffs were always kind of sad to me. I mean, what do they do? The best thing they produced was Cedric Diggory – and look what happened to him. The name isn't doing any wonder for them either. And they're ghost is The Fat Friar?! Come on. Is he at least funny? Don't think so, though he sounds like he should be, which makes me feel cheated somehow.

I've come to realize though that Huffs may be the best kept secret of Hogwarts. They're just so "Whatever" with a side of "Let's eat some ice cream and have some laughs." Huffies are known for being Just, True, Loyal and Hard-working. Which to me translates into the kids in class who get As because of sheer will power, not smarts. They're like the Blues from The Color Code – totally COMMITTED. To work, to ideals and most importantly: relationships. Maybe to the point of Still, you'll want one of these in your back pocket should you ever find yourself in a bar fight – because Huffs have got yo back.

For the House of Hufflepuff, I place . . . my old roomie from the days of yore, Natalie! Because she was totally Blue, and super loyal and fun. And hot. Come to think of it, that might another thing them Huffies have going for 'em . . .

I've often felt over the years that Slytherin suffers from a bad rap that isn't always deserved. I think it's one of those cases where the crazies who are screaming for pure blood and HP's head on a stick that get all the attention. And sure, Draco And Co. are pretty obnoxious. But the rest of the Slytherins were just, you know, hanging out plotting their next move in their dank, bleak common room. Because the Slyths are nothing if not great leaders; cunning, confident and ambitious to the max. Which is why for the House of Slytherin, I place . . .


Yep. While I have no interest in slaughtering those not of my race or religion, I've never claimed to be the kind to Follow My Heart. My loyalty remains with myself and what/whomever will get me favors and secrets and candy. At first I was like, Well maybe I'm Ravenclaw. But Raves aren't usually grappling for power, and I WANT POWER. Where Gryffs and Huffs are concerned, it's all "I'll be a martyr!" and "I'll never break your heart!" But with us Slyths, its our AIM to break some hearts and burn some bridges – all with style and flourish, of course.


So. What think ye of my Sorting Hat abilities? And what house would YOU belong in?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Selling Myself

There are many things in life that I just love to hear over and over again from people who have no connection to my life whatsoever. One of my all time favorites is, "Why aren't you married yet? Are you really picky or something?" That one makes me feel like a million bucks every time. When I was younger I wasn't sure how to respond to that one. Now I have many responses, the most effective being "It's sad how many guys will write you off because of a mild case of gonorrhea," coupled with a dainty sigh and a shrug.

Last week I was asked to fill out a dating survey. Which I filled out WITH PLEASURE. So it's got me to thinking of ways to increase the demand for the goods, as it were. Two things were pretty clear to me right off the bat. Obviously I should start wearing way less clothing on a daily basis. And I should do more Captain Morgan poses. Wearing the hat and sword and boots ONLY.

Also. I think it would also be really helpful if I created a LOVE RESUME for myself! It's time for a lesson in self-respect ya'll. The thing is, I should probably make this PG rated which means my colorful and explicit background should only be hinted at, like it was here. It's all about honesty you know.

What we're having right here is some brainstorming, so feel free to contribute ideas that I can add to my resume. So far I think this stuff should be mentioned:

-- I have high yet reasonable standards. While I've often gone out with a 9, I have NEVER dated a 3, or a relative.

-- I like things clean and orderly! So you better believe I will hire THE BEST maid that minimum wage can buy.

-- I'm really happy, patient and loving! Excpet in situations involving most animals, small children, crying, stress, forced monogamy, my favorite football teams sucking, weird smells, lack of ice cream in the freezer, anything related to Mockingjay, no fresh flowers on my kitchen table, and annoying people.

-- I'm into saving the environment! I always cut up those plastic soda can holders before I dump them into the ocean so that the poor birdies don't get their beaks all jacked up in them.

-- I'm super supportive! When you get home from work after a long and stressful day, I'll let you release all that pent-up anger by giving me a good back rub.

Hm. I feel like it's missing some things. It's a good start though, right? Body flaunting is a good first step in the right direction.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's My Age Again?

Sometimes I find myself in situations where I wonder if my Life Ambition is to be a cougar. And I'm not referring to the furry school mascot. No, I mean COUGAR.

I see these women all over the place, what with the year round warmth and 24-hour tanning beds and Botox Vans That Make House Calls, who obviously can't let go of their Glorious Days Of Real Youth and age gracefully. Not that these fashion mistakes make them Cougars, but I'm a good judger and I can just tell. It's got something to do with the really low designer jeans paired with a flowy-satiny-sequined tank top and the way certain wobbley bits hang out. Gosh at least put on a bra woman! Did you trip on your 5-inch heels and mistakenly think you woke up in 1981? Because guess what? Forever 21 is a store, not a mantra.

Anyway. Even though I'm in my twenties, I'm pretty sure that the new fragrance "Cougar: Denial" was accidentally sprayed on me a few too many times on Friday night. When I went to THE. MOST. AWESOME. high school football game ever.

I was sitting on the bleachers with another twenty-something, critiquing play successes and failures with incredible insight and accuracy, and then doing plenty of cheering and dancing when the occasion called for it, when this conversation began:

Her: Oh no - I think I might be turning into one of THOSE women (pointing to every mom on the visitors bleachers).

Me: What tipped you off first? The fact that you're at a high school football game with other single girls? or the fact that #20 keeps popping up in our game analysis, even when he's on the bench?

Her: I had this thought when I first saw those 5-foot, 85-lb. blond girls wearing only their underwear and body paint with their boyfriends' number on their stomachs--

Me: That you wanted to let them borrow your scarf?

Her: No! That I wish I was one when I was in high school.

Me: (stunned silence) Sooo . . . practically naked?

Her: You know - the girl who dated the quarterback.

Me: Or the whole football team.

Her: Well OBVIOUSLY I'd where more than a swath of jersey around my loins.

Me: Why? I'd wear that every day if I could.

I thought about her comment for a minute, and realized -- I TOTALLY AGREE. I was never a Jersey Chaser, but in my mind I totally was AND STILL AM. My pride would never allow me to admit to it, but I would be all over a decent-looking and non-sweaty athlete if given the chance.
..What? Don't judge me.

I told my friend the moment I put it all together, and she's like, "Yeah I think you'll end up like that (head nodding back toward moms) too, just watch. We've never dated athletes, so it probably means we can't ever let go of high school."


But you know what? Whatever. What. Ever. Being all deep and principled and dignified is always toted as being "better." But better for whom? For ME?! Since when has dignity gotten me anywhere? Maybe those I'm 23 But Actually 49 women are onto something. There's only way to know.

So guys - new fall goal!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Three Excuses and a Heat-Induced Stupor

A couple days ago someone came up to me and said, "Why don't you update your blog more often? It's lame that you post about as often as I get my car insurance bill." Maybe I would have felt more lame at that moment if I hadn't been dwelling on how much a blog and a parole officer have in common.

Since I've certainly had times when I fume in frustration that (insert website here) hasn't posted anything new, I'll now state my excuses for being scarce.

Firstly, it's football season -and as I am an aspiring Texan this requires much time, dedication and honing my telepathic capabilities of transferring power and skill to the dismal BYU team - which doesn't seem to be working.

Secondly, I occasionally attempt to engage in activities that don't require sitting. Yes, it's been hard.

And thirdly, do you realize how tricky it is to continually write mildly snide things WITHOUT including friends, family and coworkers out of fear that they will read it?! If I can't write nasty things about those three groups of people then who can I write about I ask you?! I understand it's common practice in Land of the Blogs to describe - in great detail - the everyday wonders of life. I tried that once, and when I went back to edit I wept out of envy for the impressiveness and excitement of my life, so I feel a little snobbish making others wail and gnash their teeth just to show how awesome I am. Parenthetically, I have always loved that there is a g in gnash. Gu-nash. Isn't English awesome in it's clarity? As of this very moment, I'm permanently substituting gnash for chew or bite.

Anyway. In an attempt to fit in with my people of Bloggerdom, I give a happenstance from Sunday which is both inspiring in it's mundaneness and riveting in it's detail. . .

It was HOT when I got home from church at 4:30. At least 200 degrees, and that was with all the windows open, the blinds drawn and the box fans turned up full speed. I stripped down and collapsed onto my bed, which consisted of only thin white cotton sheets since I had pulled off all the blankets the night before. I lay there, miserable, not having eaten all day and so hot that I was contemplating pulling a Britney and shaving my head. The sheets were starting to stick to me as sweat trickled down my neck and legs. I considered if it was worse to lay in heated agony on an empty stomach, or to spend my last bits of energy on walking to the kitchen, only to collapse when I found that all the ice cream and Otter Pops had been devoured by the babies. Naturally I would have to beat them, to teach them a Lesson, and that would not improve temperature conditions. To wither-melt away, or erupt lava from enacting my justice? What to do, what to do.

As I weighed my options, with my box fan only two feet away and pointed directly at me, I began to hallucinate. Or maybe just fall asleep. Who knows. Either way I began to see strange images flash through my mind. Voldemort chasing Harry Potter on a chubby pony, flying Otter Pops that were just beyond reach, me rolling metal balls down ramps at the skate park, and then -- I was in my car. Driving down the non-101 with the top down. I was going so fast, beyond fast. The wind was pushing all the heat and sweat off my body. It was tangling my hair. The wind made the intense sun almost bearable. There were so many curves on the non-101. "I don't remember all these turns on the freeway," dream me thought. I kept speeding, racing the wind down the empty curvy road. I needed the rush of air to cool my burning skin. And then I came to a turn, and I was going too fast and I knew I should slow down but I could make it I could make it the car can handle it but what is that off the turn and is that construction work going on because that looks like construction work and HAVE THEY CLOSED THIS PART OF THE FREEWAY?!?

I jerked awake right as my car had been careening full-speed off the turn, and I was facing my box fan. My box fan that was no more than two feet away, and in that split second I thought of the construction work on the non-101 and I still thought I was flying to my Death By Propeller so I YELLED and threw my hands in front of me to protect my face and SHOVED THE FAN OFF MY DESK.

That's right. I yelled, OUT. LOUD. And then shoved my fan to the floor.

But, you know, just a typical Sunday afternoon. Getting in fights with inanimate objects is my MO. And yes, the box fan survives and continues to faithfully perform its cooling duties.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

College Guide to Man Creatures 101

My younger brothers, the twins, have just taken their first plunge into the great NeverNeverLand for young adults: College. They've never lived out of state, unless you count the two years in England they spent serving as missionaries for our church, which I don't.

This has thrown me into a reminiscent mood, and so I was recounting to yet another brother the many categories of Male that exists on a college campus. I realized that this information went somewhat wasted because a) this particular brother is 16 and concerned with only music, water polo and his "6 pack," and b) this could be some beautiful heedings to the twins, but the target audience mistakenly thinks that because they're out of state they have some kind of immunity to my wisdoms. They really ought to know better.

So in the spirit of Back To School Fever, and for the benefit of my brothers -- who may or may not fall in some of the offending categories to follow -- and for all single ladies who are hitting the books this year, I give you some highlights of the wide variety of Male I came to recognize. (Disclaimer: I went to BYU. So . . . maybe not the normal variety of men you'd find on other campuses. In fact, I believe there was a ditty that went something like "BYU: Where the girls are girls and the boys are too." Ah well - embrace the quirks, you know?)

And now to the safari!

The Lingerer
Known for either his bad manners or complete obliviousness of the time, The Lingerer is the guy who makes himself comfy on your couch and stays. And stays and stays. Really long past the customary hour of when friends go back to their own lodgings. It seems as though this unwillingness to leave is not connected to anything in particular. It doesn't matter what the weather is like outside, if it's ESPN or the Lifetime channel on, whether it's only you at home or there are 35 guests over including your beefy uncles -- none of that makes any difference.

Hints like "Oh my is already 2:30? I have to be up in 5 hours!" have no effect on him. No, with The Lingerer the only suitable approach is honesty. "Dude. It's really late/time for class/my normal primping hour. I'm going to bed/leaving for my bio lab/going to my great aunt's wedding. Therefore, you must go home."

Typically The Lingerer is harmless. Sometimes he might even be a good friend. So remember -- you can be kind, but be DIRECT.

The Mooch
Mooches come in all forms, but the most common among dorms and apartments are the breed He Will Be Chummy With You So It Won't Seem So Rude When He Asks You For Things type. He'll shout Hi! and wave on campus, ruffle your hair and put an arm around your shoulders when you pass each other. He might even give you a nickname. But you aren't really friends. The only time you "hang out" is when he comes around to ask for something. Maybe he's a tool, but usually not. The fact is, he either came to school with only a backpack and a toothbrush, or he's a real tight wad.

The most obvious offense of The Mooch is finagling food from you. He'll come to hang out at your place, notice the pillows on your couch (if you're fortunate enough to live off-campus) or the IKEA bedspread and closet organizer (if you . . . get that opportunity to live in dorms), and make the connection that you are Prepared For Life and must therefore have a great stockpile of food. You are, of course, a nice human, so you offer him a cold beverage from your mini-fridge or some toast and applesauce. And that cinches it. Your fate is sealed as the Giver Of Food, and that's just the beginning. Next he'll be "borrowing" your favorite writing pens, your shampoo, your vacuum, your textbooks. All the while systematically draining you of everything from your fresh produce to those nasty fish flavored crackers that might have been there when you first moved in.

There are different theories on how to best break the mooching, but my advice would be to enact a Closed Cupboard policy and only meet him in the library. Or cafeteria, if it's not on your dime.

The Gamer
These guys are often distinguishable by their Pale Bordering On Jaundice palor, the wearing of tennis shoes with all outfits, and common usage of words like "gib" and "scimitar" and "debuff." There are such things as Closet Gamers though, so these signs aren't always so palpable. Typically Gamers stick to themselves, but usually are more than willing to share their extensive knowledge of medieval military tactics and sword parries and feudal uprisings should you ever feel the fancy to ask.

And should you start dating a nice boy who wears dark wash jeans and uses moisturizer, only to be shocked two weeks later when you realize he's a Closet Gamer -- well, your only real options are: live in denial, make patience your best virtue, embrace the World of Warcraft, or turn tail and run.

The Gift From God To All Females
It's hard to know if TGFGTAF poses a real threat. Certainly there are those who do, and you can't put enough distance between their raised trucks and Axe-drenched bodies and yourself. Usually it's wise to err on the side of caution, so have your mace handy in the event your niceness is perceived as an Invitation For Naughtiness.

The rest of TGFGTAF aren't malicious, but what they lack in malevolence they make up for in obnoxiousness. He will either completely disregard you, because you don't look like his Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Ex-Girlfriend, or he will attempt to collect you as one of his admirers. If the latter -- Beware! TGFGTAF is known to be charming, good looking, and probably exudes twice the amount of pheromones as your normal male.

Hey may compliment your lovely smile or great hair cut, but what he really loves to do is compliment himself. Usually through some self-deprecating humor that really ISN'T. His ego is bigger than the American southwest. He won't ever call you with any kind of question you'd for sure know the answer to, or just to say hey, or even when he sees that old man in shorty-shorts roller skating down the road even though he knows you'd really appreciate that sight.

Unless you want some convenient arm candy to get back at your Ex who just dumped you for no good reason, it's best to let TGFGTAF have the love affair with his own reflection.

The Granola Bar
He might not be Bear Grylls, but Granola Bar makes the term "outdoorsy" an understatement. He's the neighbor you noticed right away because the only thing you saw him carry to and from his old Subaru was camping gear and Nalgene bottles.

The Granola Bar is the nice guy who is always busy doing something. He's never too busy to talk to you about his new plans for recycling though. Or to offer you some of the "delicious" organic whole bran protein fiber bars he just discovered. He is always considerate enough to ask if you'd like to go with him and some friends camping next weekend, or on that thousand mile bike race through the desert, or to a water conservation seminar. And when he brings over some vegan cous-cous that you once mentioned you'd like to try, the topics of eastern philosophy and the American cattle industry are sure to come up.

The Granola Bar is always an adventure and definitely worth befriending, even if you are an Indoors Person Who Likes A Good Hamburger.

The Renaissance Man
Much like illusive White Stag of fairy tales, The Renaissance Man is a fascinating rarity that requires a hunt. He is the ultimate dabbler. Perhaps you'll sit next to him in ceramics and label him as the artsy type. Or have him as your accounting TA and assume he's a 20 year old version of your dad. And then as you get to know him it's like SURPRISE! He slyly checked multiple boxes on the Preferred Stereotype list, because he wasn't happy with just one or two.

Renaissance Man is the guy you come to adore, but also secretly kind of hate. Because he makes you and every other human look like ultra-lazy dolts who waste away their lives by sitting on the La-Z-Boy eating Hostess cupcakes and talking about Kim Kardashian's latest fashion blunder. He probably plays hockey and tennis, is majoring in political science and minoring in calculus, teaches evening cooking classes, has hiked Everest twice, reads everything voraciously, speaks four languages, has an upcoming internship with a firm on Wall Street, displays his post-modern paintings at the local art gallery, never takes his car to a mechanic since he can fix it himself, plays the piano and the violin, and is currently designing his own photo editing software.

Let's face it -- he's a different breed of human. But certainly one that will always be good to have on speed dial in case you suddenly find yourself in the Cash Cab and need to make a call to a friend on that one stumper of a question that only the creatively genius well-rounded humans know the answer to.

'Tis but a taste from the Melting Pot Of Men, I know. But it would take another 10 years to go through them all. Any particular treasures you have stumbled upon that should be added? Do tell. I love me a good laugh at the many Manmories of college life.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010


It's been a while since I've reported anything about THE NEIGHBORS. Partially it's because things have been almost normal over there, and partially it's because I try to forget they exist.

For those unfamiliar with the humans that are housed directly next to me, suffice it to say that over the years they've provided the neighborhood with a plethora of criminal activity, bizarre incidents, and a permanent cloud of cigarette smoke. They're treasures.

So. The youngest, whom we affectionately call Joe Dirt, recently took a giant metaphorical leap: he left the house. For a few hours, but still. Watching J.D.'s comings and goings have become something of a sport for me and my brothers. Twin #1 will be like, "I haven't seen him in three weeks but I know he's in there because I still hear him watching Nickelodeon late at night." And Twin #2 will say, "It's gotta be any day now because he has to come out for air sometime, unless his lungs have evolved to the point where he can breathe in smoke instead of oxygen."

Sometimes we place bets on whether we'll catch a glimpse of him during the week, just to keep it interesting. He's like that illusive snow leopard on Planet Earth that took weeks of watching before the film crew ever got a shot of him, except that J.D. has yet --from what I've seen -- to lope after an animal in the hopes of catching it for his next meal. Which is a shame.

Although, now that I think about it, it's quite possible that J.D. is keeping a low profile in order to continue his burgeoning life of crime. I know it's rude to accuse people of wrongdoing, not like it stops me, but I have a feeling he might be The Mysterious Local Graffiti Artist. A couple weeks ago, as I was leaving my house in the morning, I noticed some lovely spray paint "words" on a lamp post and For Sale sign down the street. Not that I live next to a golf course or anything, and the SWAT team has made an appearance on my street, so I shouldn't be surprised. Still, I was. And methinks that my suspicions are correct. Perhaps some sleuthing is in order . . .

In the meantime, it appears that Joe is currently alive. Oh, and the Momma Dirt has moved back in to that Smoke Den.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Taradise vs. The Hair

Wasn't it just yesterday I was writing hate mail to August? Guess not because this month is just RACING past, which got me to thinking about how much I was supposed to accomplish this summer. I haven't even had an affair with a surfer and/or cowboy yet, which is a well known staple of summertime.

So. For about ten years now I have toyed with the idea of cutting my hair. By which I mean CUT, not trim. I'm not totally foul ya'll - I trim my hair a couple times a year. But it's always been decently long and rather blah. Laquina almost talked me into a Big Cut a few years back, but then I remembered in a rare fit of sanity that round Charlie Brown faces like mine just DO NOT mix with above-the-shoulder bobs.

And then, yesterday and apparently 10 years behind everyone else, I beheld The Latest Haircut To Make Tabloid News:

Emma Watson, better known as Hermoine Granger of the Harry Potter phenomenon. Whom, incidentally, I love. The hair though? Undecided.

Look - Granger is gorgeous and very feminine and makes surprisingly good fashion choices given her age and popularity. But this to me says Prepubescent Choir Boy With Mascara. And HELLO many awkward-length phases while growing out. With any luck she'll attempt that incredible dutch boy bowl-cut a la Nick Carter circa 1990. That would be awesome.

Weirdly though, I can't seem to stop looking at her hair. I think the more I look at it the more I think she pulls it off quite adorably. But is this representative of some unknown fit of Teenage Rebellion that Hermoine experiences in the last Harry Potter films? Because aren't they still filming? If so, will she sport a tasteful wig? I don't think I can take a wig-toting Hermoine Granger seriously. OR will she keep the chop in the movies, thereby ensuing a new sub-plot involving Ron's confusion about his own hair-length which makes him hyper-sensitive about his Masculinity, causing Harry added personal-life angst on top of his professional-life Horcrux Slaying and perhaps a spat with Ginny over the values of short/long hair which in turn cause her to chop off her red locks in a fit of defiance and start a new Hogwarts Club with Hermoine along the lines of the GWAB (Girls Who Are Boys) gang from the fantastic book Slob.
One can only hope.

So. While mourning my lack of action from surfers and cowboys I've been pondering on the pros and cons of A Major Haircut. Obviously not of the pixie cut variety, as I would resemble a slightly tanned bowling ball.

This, truth be told, is all rather pointless because when it comes down to it I'm just too lazy. Still. My split ends reach the small of my back and I know Stacy & Clinton would send me to the salon STAT to fix this hot mess of blondish straggle. Too bad neither they nor Laquina are here to give me a hardy shove in the right direction.

Verdict: The jury is out.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dear August,

So. You're back. And in case you were wondering, I still have lingering anger towards you and your 31 days.

Oh sure, the beginning was usually a time of laughter and merriment. Swim parties, vacations, lemonade sales. The fun poured down my face in sweat and left burns and new freckles on my shoulders. Remember those good ole days of yore?

Then came mid-month. The pool parties died down, vacations ended, lemonade demand dwindled. A melancholy- nay, a feeling of dread- began to creep into my life. Why, thought I, Doth this feeling of foreboding disturb my peaceful slumbers? My answer came only a few days later. I remember it well: I spent all day with the twins poking a maybe-dead turtle on the other side of the backyard fence. My legs were burned after (unsuccessfully) attempting to 1)wake it up, and 2) knock it into our yard. Exhausted, I spent the evening slathered in aloe vera gel watching TGIF - and that's when I saw it. The reason I'd been anticipating something awful, like death by guillotine or Keith Richards singing me lullabies, coming my way. It was . . . the dreaded Back To School Sales commercials!

It was no longer than two blinks and a gag and I was back at The Stalag. Another nine months of government sanctioned torture, complete with The Gestapo (staff) and Hitler Youth (classmates). All through my childhood and into my young adult life. That, August, is why I've always loathed you.

Now things are different. I've graduated from The Stalag and found myself wandering through East Berlin, as it were. So actually it's not that different.

While ocean breezes keep the sun from melting my deodorant and makeup off every five seconds, and the end of the month ushers in football season instead of The End Of My Life, I find it hard to let go of old feelings and really enjoy your End Of Summer offerings. I might apologize if I thought this hurt you more than it hurts me.

As a means of therapy for my long-standing grudge, I will Party In The USA everyday this month. Nothing says "Over It" like karaoke, Scrabble tournaments and an open bar of diet soft drinks. Don't you agree?

T (Pain)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tis a dull, dull world

Sometimes (usually when I run out of Diet Coke and mascara and the air conditioning in my car just STOPS WORKING) the world seems quite tiresome. And since boredom reluctantly loves company, I'll give you a recount of my day in the most droll way possible.

I was lying on my bed in my bedroom. The alarm clock rang. I got off my bed and stood up.

I poured myself some cereal. I then added some milk. I used a spoon to put the cereal in my mouth.

JOB #1 . . .
I was sitting on a chair facing a wall. After having looked at the wall for some time, I turned my gaze and looked elsewhere.

I dropped a pen on the floor. I reached down and picked up said pen. I considered stabbing it into my eye. I decided against it, and turned to look at another wall.

I sat in my car doing what one does when sitting in the driver seat of one's car. I thought about putting on some music. I thought for a while. I looked at my iPod. I decided not to play any music. I continued to drive.

JOB #2 . . .
I had several pieces of paper on my desk. I moved one to the basket on my other desk. Having done so I looked at the other papers for a while.

My head hurt. I took some advil from my drawer and swallowed them with water. My head began to feel better soon thereafter. I resumed my usual activities.

I'm feeling rather dreary and sluggish after having put all this effort into writing.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Here - you can borrow my noose

There are few things in life more boring than listening to someone drone on and on about their health problems.

Wait. I just remembered something more boring. Okay real quick story. Once I went to a bookstore to look through magazines with a friend of mine, and there was this oldish one-legged man sitting at a table next to us. He constantly looked over at what we were reading and would say things like, "I was married to a woman who looked like that actress right there. Except my wife was WAY hotter. Seriously, she was this gorgeous Spanish supermodel. Penelope Cruz looks like a dog compared to her." And my friend would pretend he didn't exist so I felt the need to try to be kind of polite and I would "Hmmm" and "Oh" and nod because - well, he had one leg. Anyway. It got ridiculous. Soon he was talking about his rocket scientist son who was better-looking than Brad Pitt circa A River Runs Through It. THAT was probably the most boring storytelling I've ever been guilted into.

So, meds. People these days just run around telling you about what medications they're on or how many vials of blood the doctor just took or about their erratic sleep patterns which is "killing" them because they're just sooo tired. My mom would probably say that with some people, this obnoxious word vomit is a cry for help and I should smile and nod and sympathize. Huh.

Obviously I'm not my mom. Because when a sob-fest broke out last night amongst a few girls, I was calmly backing away to my car in an attempt to flee the scene of pretentious pain. I failed. One turned to me for my two cents, which was probably unwise.

Her: Life is just really demanding, you know?

Me: (Nod with blank look on my face).

Her: I mean I've started taking some medications recently but I think it made me gain all this weight or maybe that's from not working out and eating more chocolate because I've just been so stressed that I crave those Snickers ice cream bars so I eat like 3 of those while I have Gilmore Girls marathons but then I stay up late and I'm all tired at work and my co-worker is like"Here have some of my Adderral" and I was like "I don't believe in using that stuff" but maybe I'll ask my doctor about that too because I'm so super tired all the time and so super stressed!

Me: Well . . . maybe you should just kill yourself.

Her: (Pause. Blink. Blank look).

Me: I mean, it would pretty much solve all your problems.

Her: (Pause. Blink. Blank look).

And VOILA! I have just found the perfect way to shut people up. I just love discovering new methods of avoiding horribly mind-numbing situations.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Gearing Up for the Red, White and Blue

'Tis a well known fact that the 4th of July is my all time favorite holiday. Not only do I love celebrating Independence and the 2nd Amendment, but there's almost a sure chance that I'll get to see fireworks and eat my body weight in homemade ice cream. And if I'm REALLY lucky I just might get to see a man in Yankee Civil War garb harboring a muzzle-loader rifle.

Nothing will ever top celebrating in Coronado with The Cousins, watching the awesomely non-pc parade where the marines reenact capturing the Taliban, but I'm determined to do something special regardless of my lack of a powdered wig, kegs of ale or a charming sailor. I'll be at church during the day so I think recreating The Boston Tea Party is out of the question because of time constraints. That was Plan A, so I'm having trouble coming up with a Plan B. Obviously I'll be listening to "Party in the USA" by our very own M. Cyrus on repeat, and for sure I'll watch some snippets of John Adams while I drink some Diet Coca Cola and eat some SPAM. Maybe I'll also have a Bake/Yard Sale (BaYard? YaBake? Yard-Bake? Does that sound like I plan on burning my front lawn? Or better yet THE NEIGHBORS lawn? Because that's not a bad idea) to tip my hat to capitalism, if you will.

I am still accepting alternative ideas, should The Spirit of Liberty enlighten your minds with brilliant possibilities.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bring the Heat

Well folks, it's that time again: Summer is officially here. The birds are singing, the gas prices soaring, and the sun is scorching our skin off and giving us cancer. Looks like it's time for Summer Goals!

I've been putting a lot of thought into what I want to achieve. What should I be aiming for? What kind of person do I want to be? What will make me lots of money and give me lots of power? And I've decided to work on two things that I think might get me on The Path To Responsibility, so to speak.

1. Become a somewhat decent Scrabble player. I admit it - I've never excelled at card and board games, which is how I came to be a great cheater. But Scrabble I can't really cheat at, and when I try I usually get called out and therefore lose which kind of defeats the purpose of cheating since I'm only in it to destroy my competition. It still remains a mystery as to why I struggle with Scrabble, since I have such stunning vocabulary and I regularly create anagrams in my mind while people drone on to me about boring things.

2. Embark on at least one Quest per season. That's right - a Quest. Any kind will do, though I'm thinking something akin to Frodo and The Ring sounds reasonable. Up first: locating a great rope swing. Obviously over water. And preferably within an hour of my home. I haven't had a good swing and/or plunging-into-unknown-depths in years. It's time, you know?

I'm aware that in the eyes of some my Summer Goals aren't going to "Help my future" or "Get me out of my parents' house", though they sounds curiously able to increase my Nerd Score. I, however, have confidence that Scrabble and rope swings will not only destroy my June Slump, it will transcend it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Cute & Cuddly

I have this co-worker, bless her heart, who just loves to show me picture books of the cute and furry creatures of God's kingdom. Either she's a bit dense or I do a good job of feigning interest, because I am constantly being bombarded by "Oh! Isn't this just the cutest thing?!?" while she waves pictures of bunnies or puppies in my face. And I am the last person who would coo over a smelly germ infested anything, even if it is fluffy and waddles.

So while she prattles on about how adorable some animal is and I dumbly nod my head in response, I'm ACTUALLY musing about what the animals are probably thinking at the moment.

"You know friend, I've been following you around this box for hours but everything still looks the same. At least, I think it was you. Or maybe it was that other podgy yellow ball of fluff, or that other . . ."

"So my mom said I can go practice nipping at the mailman tomorrow with you - hey Rufus are you listening to me?"
"Ya Milo. It's just that this !@#$% onesie is cutting off my circulation and I'm being slowly asphyxiated to death."

"Hang in there Rufus. Just a few more minutes and then we get to stuff our snouts with a big bowl of Iams."
"I hope one day we can turn the tables and do this to THEIR children and post the pictures all over the internet for everyone to gawk at."

"And then I was like, 'Take this you drooling flea bag! What?! You think because you're a Doberman Pincher you can take THIS on?!'"
"Oh, Bravo Fluffy! Bravo!"

Rodent: "Guys isn't this GREAT? All of us so adorable and friendly with each other?! Although . . . um . . . Kitty, I have to say that it makes me a TAD nervous that you keep staring at me while simultaneously invading my personal space. And is that . . . drool?"
Kitty: "Hm? Did you say something, Snack? I mean, Friend?"

And just to be fair, I do this with pictures of little baby humans too. Ya, probably the pictures of YOUR kids.

Monday, May 31, 2010

From Sticks to the Ritz: A Travel Adventure

I decided to start my summer off right by taking myself on a vacation to Maui. Now before you roll your eyes and mutter that this will just be one of those My Vacation Was Super Awesome And Your Life Sucks kinds of posts, which is probable, let me say that I was unsure of how this trip would go.

Here's why:
Heelllooo Jack! This is Matthew Fox, who plays Dr. Jack Shepard on the brilliant and tragically over show, LOST. And I saw him in LAX as I was about to board my plane. AND we locked eyes for a sweet moment. I successfully repressed my urge to run and plant a whopper of a kiss on him, or to yell out something slightly snide like Did you find your destiny yet Doc?! But then I realized that he just might be a terribly unlucky omen, because for those of you who don't watch the show, his plane crashes on a mysterious island on the way to LAX.

And I was flying out of LAX to an island.

Kinda freaky, right? The whole horrible flight over I was thinking of what I would do if our plane went down. This was good planning on my part, because even though I obviously made it there in one piece, I actually ended up living in the rain forest. FOR 5 DAYS. So all those boy scout survival skills, extra water bottles and sanitary wipes came in handy. A little TOO handy.

I stayed with some friends in Hana. In a hut. In the Rain Forest of Greedy Mosquitoes. With an outside shower. But WITHOUT a bathroom. And let me tell you right now: Tara + popping squats = messy wet disasters. I know. GROSS. I found myself saying prayers of thanks anytime we went to town and there was a public restroom. Me giving thanks for porta-potties is on my list of Things I Never Thought I'd Be Thankful For, right up there with sprained ankles and sun stroke.

I'd recount more about the misadventures in Hana, but do you really care? Of course not. We'll leave Hana on the high-note of toilets and move to the final phase: We ended the stay in Wailea, thank goodness. At The Grand Wailea, which is a Waldorf Astoria hotel. I was about to flop down in the massive outdoor lobby and weep from relief and happiness, but they frown on that kind of thing there.

I've never been so glad to see clean towels, running water and rich retired folks in my life.

I came away from this holiday with a renewed sense of my high maintenance lifestyle and love of all things money can buy. Go ahead and judge away, but I'd like to see how you hold up when on your left leg ALONE you have 18 mosquito bites.

So I guess I'm not great at roughing it. But I AM great at loafing and staying at expensive places on someone else's dime. We all have our talents, I guess.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In which I make two major life decsions.


I'm going to invest in a nice phone for the first time in my life. The few that I've had always range somewhere between Secondary Character On Some Teen Show Once Had One In Part Of An Episode and Owned Only By The Homeless.

The lucky new phone will be none other than the Droid Incredible for Verizon. Honestly, HTC is probably the best thing to ever happen to Verizon. So now I'll get to experience what it's like being able to access my email even when I don't have my computer, only a few hundred years behind everyone else. I'm slowly starting to catch up to the rest of America so WATCH OUT.


I think I'm going to start another blog where I review books. And if you just snorted some milk out of your nose, your eyes did not deceive you. I CAN read. I learned a year or two ago and just kind of ran with it. And since no one reads the same things at the same time as I do, or maybe it's because I "lack friends", and I always have things I want to say about something I read, particularly if I dislike it, I'm just gonna blog it.

Plus, I don't have cable. Or an imagination. Which is why I read things other people have thought of. That's what I do when I'm not updating this blog. Which is pretty much always.

Anyway. Details to follow shortly. Which is such a wonderfully ambiguous term.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Merry Birthday To Moi

So . . . I had another birthday. It's weird - it happens at the same time every year. And sadly/thankfully/appropriately I was in Austin for the big event. I was working, which is a crime, but I was also IN AUSTIN, which was like taking a bath in testosterone and Jack Daniels fumes. I was thinking it might be a good idea to ride the mechanical bull with the other drunken co-eds, but then I remembered that I only ride bucking broncos in my special lingerie and lucky whip, which I didn't have on my person. Next time I'll better channel my inner Boy Scout and Be Prepared, so lesson learned.

On the actual anniversary I got a bunch of pipe cleaner jewelry and paper boxes and other crap like that from the little 6th graders whom I was essentially babysitting in Austin, so I was hoping for some REAL presents when I got back. Like money or jewels or a pony or a new life or something. I told the little ankle-biters in Texas, "Listen up kiddies - tomorrow is my birthday. Bring me presents," which seemed to get the point across, so I did the same with my family. This also provided excellent results. It's all about up-front and honest communication, you see. Even Zach, the cheapskate of the family, gave me more than a quarter taped to a homemade "card", which is what he's famous for. In our family we show our love by how much money we spend on each other, so you can see how much Zach loves the rest of us.

And, like any remotely sentimental holiday, birthdays make me reminiscent and reflective. As I was contemplating the many successes of my life today, I realized I do have one weakness: I just don't don't pamper myself enough. I mean, can you ever do enough for yourself? I realized I'm always giving giving giving to every needy human that crosses my path and I'm just over it. I'm resolved to work on this minor flaw of mine. Starting tomorrow I'm going to tell the crippled girl to get her own ride to church, and my co-workers to find someone else to whine to about their boring lives to, because I've got a life to live ya'll. I've got needs too. Most of which continue to go unfulfilled day after day after day, so obviously I've got to focus a little bit more on numero uno. I'm not completely selfish, however, so if you ever want advice on how to stop screwing up your life, you know where to find me.

Happy to my birthday!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Lipstick Temptress: On Writing

I need a pen name.

I've wanted one for a while, but it's now become a necessity because I have my newest calling in life: author. Of ROMANCE NOVELS. And I'm ashamed to say that my family would never want their last name connected to a creator of fictional sordid love affairs because they're prudes.

I currently have a job where I work with loads of books, and over half of the ones I assess are romances. Initially I thought, Huh - the cover art is so original and each novel is so distinct - what uniqueness! And then I happened to see one particular cover, and I was like, Is that ME?! Because one time in a similar situation this sneaky perv took my picture while I was . . . unawares.

There was this whole fallout because my whiner EX-boyfriend was all, I can't believe you cheated on me! And I was like, HELLO did you not see his rippling biceps?!

Anyway. That's when it hit me: I can write romance novels because my life practically is one. Don't they always say to write what you know? And what I know is half-clad Highlanders/Italian Dukes/Sweaty cowboys/Yearning high school football quarterbacks (not my proudest moment, I admit)/Risky Playboys a la Chuck Bass, in fiery moments of intense passion. Honestly, my love resume is about as torrid as it gets, which makes me more than qualified to pass my know-how off as fiction AND get paid for it.

Just in the last 6 hours I've written three. I think I will title them Her Swarthy Secret, A Midsummer Night's Scandal, and The Prince's Surprise Heir. They all will start with some tension, and then heaving bosoms and wet pirate shirts when they just can't fight it anymore, and then an almost-tragic misunderstanding, probably involving a love triangle with a long-lost and mysterious twin who of course is conniving and just playing her because he wants her enormous dowry, and finally - the surprise but wanted pregnancy, and then the wedding on the beach as the sun sinks below the calm ocean waves which gently lap the shores of their own private island.

There will, of course, be some juicy plot twists which will give each story a unique flavor of its own. Are you excited yet to read about my life? Better help me come up with a good pen name then, since I can't publish them as Taradise. It's too obvious. I need something more classy which will better suit my genre. Winner gets the first three books free of charge!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stop callin' Stop callin' I don't wanna talk anymore

Quandary: my cell phone contract with Verizon is up next month, and I'm debating between jumping ship, staying and going month to month, or renewing. Rather, my family is debating this because we're all on a family plan.

Preferably I'd stay with Verizon, but their phones are crap. Also I don't want a data plan - which limits my options severely, I know. Suggestions? Good plans you know of? Is it possible to get more than 5 people on a family plan?

This would be the time I would usually begin my tirade about sleazy cell phone companies and the inability for competitors to offer viable alternatives because of restrictions in the free market - but I'll restrain myself.

Feel free to review service, phone reliability, pros/cons - whatever. I need guidance.

Oh, and i Phones are off the table.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Empire State of Mind

I know I might be going against traditional thought here, but really guys, I just DO NOT like New York. Sure the city is cool and last time I was there I got a knock-off purse in Chinatown like every other tourist, but really their options are limited. Everything is Chanel or Louis Vuitton or Gucci, and I'm like - Where are the black market Marc Jacobs bags and Louboutin pumps? Disappointing. I concede, Ms. Keys, that the Big Lights do inspire me. But then after a few "OMG that taxi almost took me out" moments, I feel inspired to become a hermit and never travel to big cities again.

Anyway. Not only did it snow a foot an hour whilst I was trapped there, but the New Yorkers are somewhat distasteful. Unless you are reading this and you are from New York, in the which case of course I'm not talking about you.

I don't care for the accent in that whole US region, all the kids I dealt with were entitled with a heavy serving of attitude, and they all swore like sailors. Even the little 6th graders. Which personally I found beneficial because I've been looking for new ways to use the F word, since my common usages were becoming trite and boring.

So while I get that, according to the poet known as Jay Z, the "The city never sleeps, better slip you an Ambien," I think I'll just stay home next time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dear state of Texas,

There seems to be a bit of confusion, a sort of misunderstanding between you and myself. Because, you see, I very much want to move to the Lonestar State, and yet you seem to not want me. Why is that? Do you think I'm not a good fit? Just because I'm from California doesn't mean I'm not a Texan at heart. I mean, I totally get into county fairs. I also eat cantaloupe with a knife sometimes. And believe you me, I fully intend on picking up a twang and eating whatever animals I run over on the road. Consider it done.

You should also know that I love barbecue, football, cowboys and wide open spaces. And I look great in cowboy boots.

I'd be willing to establish a written contract regarding what I'll do for you. How about this - I promise that if you open your friendly southern arms to me, I will:

* Listen to country music on a regular basis. (I assume this includes Taylor Swift).
* Shoot things on my property. Snakes, old tin cans, obnoxious dogs - you name it, I'll shoot it.
* Remember the Alamo.
* Marry a football-and-family loving cowboy, with whom I'll gladly make strapping sons, and I'll always attend their football games and cook hot meals with lots of meat and fresh produce from my garden.
* Own an old Chevy truck or new SUV. Or both, probably.
* Sit on my porch every pleasant evening with a glass of lemonade, freshly squeezed from my own kitchen (read: children).
* Not have neighbors.
* Own all the seasons of Friday Night Lights. Still love Riggins, by the way.
* Use the word "ya'll" in every complete thought that I verbally express.

See, aren't I the ideal candidate? And also consider what I'm willing to sacrifice by leaving my home state: I live in the Mediterranean of the US, the land of movie stars and convertibles and earthquakes. And leaving The Dirts who live next door will truly be a heart-breaking day.

I think it's clear that we need each other. So please give me a job.

Best regards,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Paying the Pied Piper

Meet Piper. The newest addition to the-home-which-houses-too-many-people-already. My brother brought (read: snuck) her home 10 days before Christmas without telling my parents, who just happened to be out of town when Kyle heard that a lady was giving away puppies. And by the time the parents did get home it was too late: Paige was attached. And we all know that whatever Paige wants, Paige gets.

I suppose it would be untruthful to say that any of us really didn't want her, because we all agreed that she was cute and THANKFULLY looked like her full black lab parent as opposed to the ugly beagle-pug-lab-mutt parent. We're a hands-off bunch though and none of us wanted to take care of a puppy. Honestly it felt like having a newborn baby in the house again, and not in a good way. Especially at first, because despite Kyle bringing it home without consent, who was the one who took care of it 24/7 for the first week, playing with it and taking it the bathroom at 2am? Oh yeah, ME. And then mom comes home from vacation and decides she wants to name it Piper ("I'm the one that has to deal with it for the rest of it's life, so I should get to choose!" she says), even though everyone but Paige hated that name, so of course Piper it had to be.

Sigh. Whatever, I'm over it.
Despite it being an "outside" dog, we keep it in a crate in the kitchen at night. This was a case of ongoing dispute, which sounded something like this:

Dad: "It's an animal. It wants to sleep outside."
Mom: "Kevin, it a PUPPY. It'll get cold. And I want it to get used to a crate."
Dad: "Why? Dogs sleep in dirt in the wild."
Mom: "Well it's not a dingo. Honestly, we are NOT doing the whole survival-of-the-fittest experiment in the backyard AGAIN. And besides, I already know I'm going to be taking care of it, so what do you care?"
Dad: "So long as it doesn't bark or pee and doesn't stink up the house, I guess it's fine. FOR NOW."

I know what you're probably thinking. You look at that cute face and think, How could your dad want to leave it outside in the cold all night?! Well I'll tell you. It's because 1) it's a stinky puppy and we all hate smelling animal in the house, 2) it barks and whines when it's in the crate, and 3) it isn't COLD at night. It's like, 60 degrees for a low at night, unless it's raining or something. This is no Minnesota winter, you know?

Plus, the dog is a little psychotic. Though that was bound to happen, because my family can never have a normal animal that lives above two years. Remember this brief history? Ya. Anyone care to wager how long little Piper here is going to live? I'll tell you one thing - it'll be much shorter than even my brothers and I have bet if she does to any of my possessions what she did to that soccer ball you see in the picture above, where she sits so sweetly. Crazy dog.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Conflicts of interest come in all shapes and sizes

I take birthdays fairly seriously. Mainly because its a good excuse to shove cake into my mouth all night long. But also because I like to celebrate things, and the day you graced this planet with the event of your birth should be a staple celebration.

Today is my dad's birthday, and my family is something of a Debby Downer when it comes to celebrations. All he wants, and has ever wanted, is to eat some ribs and sit on the couch and dominate the remote control. Translation: BORING. However, I am willing to acquiesce to his request today because, though I do love birthday parties, I also love Colt McCoy.

And I fear McCoy might get his Longhorns thrown around and stomped on by the crazy tough Defense of Alabama with Mark Ingram leading the charge. Oh the tension!

So what will it be: dad+ribs+cake, or UT/Bama BCS National Champs Throwdown? Why OH WHY must I choose?!