Sunday, November 23, 2008

This one's for the girls

To spare humanity the immense boredom that accompanies anything I might post about the goings-ons of my daily life, I usually try and avoid "So yesterday I..." and "Over the weekend..." posts. Because those would really only consist of how many diet cokes i drank and how I really need to do laundry and how I wish Christian Bale stalked me.

But THIS cannot be avoided. Because I can't hold my candle under a bushel any longer. I just had the potentially best shopping trip of my life on Saturday and I MUST share it.

Behold, Ventura. Known best for it's thrift stores.

I didn't take a picture of the thrift shops because, well, who wants a picture of a thrift shop? But you get the idea. Along with a navy pencil skirt and a purple pair of 99 cent heels, I also found these gems in the vintage section:

What you see so beautifully displayed here is a sequined skirt, perfect for saturday night fever and new years, and . . .

FUR! That's right - your's truly found a fur wrap for a few bucks! When I triumphantly displayed it at home later that afternoon, Mom asked "When are you EVER going to use that?" To which I excitedly replied, "Who cares! It's real fur!" So I put it on right then and there, and have been traipsing around with it on ever since.

Pretty good finds, huh? But wait! That isn't the last of it. I give you the crown jewel to my day full of bargains:

No friends, you're eyes don't deceive you. That is indeed a L.A.M.B purse. My first designer bag ever! In a rare fit of insanity I stopped at Nordstrom Rack on the way home, and there in the bag section was a pillar of light shining down upon the supple leather and plaid canvas and gold chains. My eyes never strayed from the glorious sight. I heard angels singing and harps strumming.

Id: I MUST have it!
Super Ego: NO! It is petty and vain and extravagant!
Id: So? Just think how good you'll look with it on your arm!
Super Ego: Are you kidding? It's a BAG.
Id: How very narrow minded of you - it is SO much more than a bag. Plus, it's plaid. AND HALF OFF!!
Super Ego: Remember that savings account - the one with the cobwebs and dust in it?
Id: But this might be our only chance to get a LAMB purse this cute and this cheap! Where is ego? He should be mediating this.
Ego: I'm here - just currently entranced by this find. Which is seemingly providential. Id, you win. Not through logic mind you, but mere excitement. Happy early Christmas.

So I snatched it and ran up to the cash register before super ego began to argue again. And the sweet cashier gasped and said, This is SO CUTE! To which I squealed and said, I KNOW! So we opened it and unsnapped and unzipped and oohed and aahed over all it's glory. And then she asked, Is it your first designer purse? Yes, I replied. And then she said, Welcome to the big girls club! I myself joined last year when I bought a Marc Jacobs purse! So I thanked her and sighed with envy over her MJ delight, until I looked at my newest purchase and jumped up and down a bit until people started whispering and pointing. I floated home on Cloud 9.

Oh, you want to see it again?

You can even take the strap off and use it as a clutch! Genius!

And that is the story of how I passed a new milestone in my life and now own a designer bag which I got at truly a GREAT deal at Nordstrom Rack. Who knew?!


Brent and Mette Griffith said...

Dare I ask how much it ended up being?

i i eee said...


I'm so jealous of your scores.

Marge Bjork said...

oh for a great thrift store trip

Amber Marie said...

YOu get the prize, well you got the prize! I am so elated over your finds!!! I love a good deal (what Malan doesn't?). My sister-in-law has a great thrift store near her in DC. She finds amazing things. Yes, you have to buy a fur wrap no matter what. Something like that will always come in handy. I love the sequin skirt too! And of course the purse. Darling. I don't even have a designer purse...sad. :)

tara said...

Mette, you may indeed dare to ask. And my response is: around a work-day's amount of pay.

In other words, cheap.

leean robinson said...

A true Malan bargain finder!! Thanks for keeping up the tradition. I think even your mom might be a bit jealous. She'll probably ask to borrow that fur wrap on New Year's Eve. Lovely.

Jeff said...

i hope you aren't holding your new purse if anyone ever throws a can of red paint at you. that would be really tragic.

O'Reilly #5 said...

your taking me there. I dont know when or how...but we're going. the end.

Miriam Herm said...

i watched my friend leah wrestle her husband hank into that fountain. and then hold him there. it was so romantic.

also, i want to go shopping and get a cute purse now. and maybe some other clothes that i can feel good about wearing.