Tuesday, November 4, 2008

to the happy couple, round two

This is what I did this weekend. What can I say - weddings are just my thing as of late. I was fortunate enough to be part of the blessed decorations committee:

And was part of the hair and makeup team for this:

We did a good job, no?
Then had a love affair with this:

Yes, I had ribs, pork and chocolate silk pie on my FIRST helping.

And I got to reunite with this:

There was a bit of a brawl:

Over the last bite of pie, of course. Le cousins dangereux.

Weddings are crazy.


Liz said...

Thank you! I wrote to all three. AHHHH!! When will it end! :) Hey, do you mind if I add your blog to my blog roll so that I can blog stalk without having to go through Miriam all the time?! Sheesh. :)

O'Reilly #5 said...

ew, you should have come back with us! ps-yesterday me and kel were watching red-neck weddings....it wasnt the same.