Monday, November 10, 2008

Foray into Minimalism

Today I have begun to do three things:

1) Experiment with minimalism. And by that I mean not carting around my purse which is usually the size of carry-on luggage. I feel that it will simplify my life. And also force me to be creative in finding where to put things, since I rarely have pockets in my work slacks. Lipgloss in my bra? Sounds good.

More than likely this will only last a couple days, because where am I going to put my grapefruit, Atlas Shrugged, huge wad of money and secret detective notebook? We shall see friends, we shall see.

2) Define my life each day in 6 words. No more, no less. Example: Most successful accomplishments based on spite. Or: My head, it kills. Advil please.
Again, notice the minimalist theme.

3) Write more haikus. I just feel that the world would be a better place if we spent a little less time protesting and a little more time haikuing. In church yesterday I was inspired by this truly terrible muscial piece to write a haiku. I couldn't remember how, so I had a friend refresh my memory. Though it turns out we were wrong, it's 5-7-5. Here's my latest creation:

Autumn leaves falling
sheep singing, returning sun
Babble, chaotic

Maybe not for everyone, but since when does true art appeal to all? I feel a new career option on the horizon. Do you have 6 words to define your life, or an inspirational haiku? If so please share.

That man is leering
I think of some brass knuckles
Sweet pain to my heart


Amanda said...

So funny, because I have been thinking lately about haiku's and have had the urge to write one.

I think of haiku
I have not written one yet
Oh wait, I just did

There you go. Not too creative, but one all the same. I support your minimalism...please be sure to update us on how it goes.

p.s. we're coming for Thanksgiving and need to see you!

Marge Bjork said...

Taradise, why have you left me?

my life in six words.

Brent and Mette Griffith said...

Man, we were close though : )

Liz said...

Wow, you inspire me. I think I'll try minimalism, too, but maybe not the lip gloss in my bra part. Sounds uncomfortable. You're hilarious. I loved this post. Anyone that can make me laugh right now is my best friend. So consider yourself declared my best friend (unless you fail to deliver on your next post, of course, in that case you'd slip right back into "just friend" status). No pressure, though! :) (And, as you can see, I'm not much for minimalism when it comes to comments). :)

Mike Lau said...

Here's a little haiku I wrote today

Warm North Face jacket
Protect me from cold Boston
California Ho!