Monday, November 17, 2008

*cough cough*

As far as experiments go, I think it fair to say that I passed this latest purse-less test with flying colors. Yes friends, I succeeded in not filling my Mary Poppins carpet bag full of essential odds and ends throughout most of the week. And that was mainly due to the fact that from Wednesday night till yesterday I have been languishing on my sick bed (read: couch), coughing and hacking and whathaveyou. Now I know to some of you that might not make my bag-free attempt "successful" let alone "fair" - but really, when have I ever played fair?

Did I play fair when in 5th grade I told Brain Metcalfe to shove it when he claimed he got me out in dodgeball? No. I stayed in anyway. Did I play fair when I hid that Ace of Spades till the last round of poker and then called everyone suckers as I took all their money? No. Did I play fair when I cut in front of that little boy in the line for Space Mountain while his mom's back was turned and then feigned ignorance when his mom asked him why he was sobbing? No. And look where it got me - AHEAD.

Anyway. The point is that the experiment worked for a while. It seemed to work best while I was bundled in a blanket, sipping Diet 7up and watching 90's Christmas movies and Westerns. Don't judge me.


Amber Marie said...

hey, I wasn't judging. from the looks of it we had identical childhoods. congrads on whatever you accomplished. I'm so proud!

rich said...

You should keep money in your cleavage. I keep trying to convince Lisha to do the same... actually I think she just does that anyways.

Liz said...

Oh, boo! Sickness is of the devil. We've had a lot of devil hanging around our home lately, too. I wish you well...soon.

Amanda said...

Whenever I think of cheating at games I think of you. Congratulations, you're famous. :)