Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Oh the places you'll go!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Only got love for the 101
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Good thing there is complimentary Listerine in there...
I first noticed the teeth-brushing a few weeks ago. And now I am noticing it on a daily basis. AND it is not limited to one woman. Oh no - there are definitely two. Two women who bring full-on hygiene kits with them into the womens wc. If brushing ones teeth were an Olympic sport, they would have a battle to the death for gold between the two of them.
Toothbrusher #2 I would give more points to, because she has one of those electric brushes as big as your forearm. And she really goes at it. Then again, Toothbrusher #1 is good at being regular. I'm talking everyday at 2pm. Trust me, I would know.
I never really thought of myself as a gross girl. I brush my hair and drink lots of water and wash my hands. But I feel kinda foul compared to them. I think I will start joining them in a group flossing session everyday after lunch. No snaggle-tooth for me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
That's just gross
Friday, August 1, 2008
But really, does anyone actually know a Korean that doesn't freak them out even just a little bit? I bet not. What loveable histrionic psychopaths.
At any rate, although Kim is totally rad, I don't have similar sentiments for the Iranian President. Sorry Mahmoud, I'm just not down with you. Mostly because I like Jews and I think that YOU are the one that looks like a monkey, not Condi. But that's neither here nor there.
So as I was reading the latest from the Korean News Agency, you can imagine my great joy when I saw this:
Pyongyang, July 31 (KCNA) -- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian President, met and had a friendly talk in Tehran on July 29 with the DPRK delegation headed by Foreign Minister Pak Ui Chun to the conference of foreign ministers of non-aligned countries. Saying that Iran and the DPRK are countries fighting against the U.S. imperialists, the Iranian president sincerely hoped that the Korean people would achieve greater success in the anti-U.S. struggle. He expressed the belief that the relations between the two countries would grow stronger in the future, too.
JongIl + AhmadineWhackjob = BFF? Come on Kim Jong! Let's just be done with this whole Communism thing and get you out of the Axis of Evil black hole already. I know you want to. Hey I have an idea! Why don't you start building useful things to sell on the world market, like bikes, instead of ballistic missiles? I'm sure your people would still worship you, even if you allowed them to have toilet paper. And can anyone tell me why DPRK stands for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, when the only thing that name has in common with the country is "Peoples" and "Korea?"
A related item: Kim's Online Journal. Sounds about right.