Monday, March 31, 2008

List Philosophies

I feel that this week is a good list-making week. I love making lists. It is one of my favorite church past-times. If you are not a list maker, then you will either be bored (aka you are boring) or you are about to change your mind.

I would like to say that my lists are productive, like To-Do lists, or Things-I-am-Grateful-For lists, but usually they are lists of Awesome-Things-I've-Done-In-My-Life or the Pros-And-Cons-of-Being-a-SuperHero or Things-I-Would-Like-To-Do-To-People-I-Hate. Ergo the following.

Things which are too hyped-up:

All things organic



Global warming




Most bestselling books


Comparing things to the Vietnam War

Snow sports

Anything written by Dan Brown

Helping other nations

Everything “Going Green”

Things that deserve more praise:

Korean rice


Mexicans who speak English in America

Finding good produce in Utah

Capitalism/America/Productivity/being smart

Irish drinking songs


Europeans - because over there everybody wins and, at the same time, everybody loses. It's really nice.


My cooking

People abducted by extra terrestrials

Shoe sales at Nordstrom

Mitt Romney’s jawline

Did I miss anything?


Amber Marie said...

um everybody wins/loses in Europe and capitalism on the same list- is that possible?

and that is truly sick that you are checking out romney's jawline. seriously.

Miriam Herm said...

what is a poof?

and why are america/being smart written like that? i know too many stupid americans.

amen to the global warming.

you should add: movies that are actually good to your list of things that need more hype. having said that: go see once. really.

Stephen said...

I love it Tara, I agree with your lists

tara said...

Poofs is the slang term for homo in England. Remember Gob and his Poof magazine, mistaken for the Poof Jerry who filed a lawsuit?

And that is why I put being smart on the list - it should be praised more. Also, I have Once on my To-See movie list. I hear it has a great soundtrack too.

Miriam Herm said...

i knew the gob poof scene. . .i guess i thought it was something that was literally more poofy.