Friday, November 21, 2008


Tagging is one of those things that I don't really love, but go along with it anyway because I DO love the people who tag me. so whatever. Apparently I have to show the 4th picture in my 4th album or some such business, but my pictures aren't organized that way, so I just closed my eyes and clicked on one. And this is what popped up:

Yes, they are related to me. Can't you tell by her sneer? It runs in the family. This is when we went to Cousin Whitney's wedding and had a major ordeal deciding which place we were going to eat at. The babies won, as usual, and their latest obsession was Quiznos. I had just gotten my new camera and was experimenting. So here we are, all of us squashed at one teeny table, and I took a candid whilst they were chowing down.


Liz said...

Ha ha ha! I love the sneer. And I'm impressed with any child who would choose Quizno's over chicken nuggets and french fries (my kids' choice 100% of the time).

Amber Marie said...

oh Paigey dear. Ryan still thinks she is psychotic, after she chased him around Bass Lake 3 years ago.

And I still have not seen your brothers since they got back from their fact I didn't see them before that either. They didn't come to my wedding due to Prom...and then they were gone? Wait, maybe I did see them at Bass Lake that year...

My mom still will not perform the ebonics christmas for Ryan.

Miriam Herm said...

thank you.

and i also see you in that sneer. it's amazing.

come over soon.

Amanda said...

i love that you still call them the old are they :)