Friday, October 10, 2008

Who needs money?

I know I've been all, Poor-me-i-need-to-find-a-job-even-though-i-have-a-good-one-right-now-that-suits-me-just-fine lately, but yesterday I decided to do something about it. And action calls for reward, so tonight I am treating myself to some Golden Spoon (pumpkin flavor) and a good 80's flick. Which is what I do every night now that I think about it. Whatever. That's not the point. The point is that I have actually sent out applications and my resume to multiple places! I know that might not be that impressive to you over-achievers, but baby steps ya'll. I hope you are raising the roof right now. And get this: I've only applied to international positions! Okay that's not entirely accurate because I applied for jobs in D.C. as well. But hello this could potentially maybe if I'm lucky be huge.

I'm also doing something I never really pictured doing: applying through the military. No worries, I won't go all GI Jane over everyone (no promises), because it's not just the military but also the government I'm ravaging thru for jobs. I usually thought me + government job = nuclear disaster, but I think I am reconsidering. Because I definitely applied for a position in the US Treasury. And for some in the RAF, and for some lame low-income jobs in cool cities.

I sort of feel like that grease-ball guy with four teeth and a fatty gold chain who smells like diesel fuel when he tells you that he is going to find a girlfriend who looks like Gisele, and you're like -Dude look in the mirror: that ain't NEVER gonna happen. But we can have our dreams, right? No matter how far-fetched they are, and how under-qualified I am.


Amber Marie said...

what did you graduate in again? was it history? I can't take it, there are a few people I am going to contact. you have GOT to start writing somewhere for money! seriously. maybe i have been a stay-at-home-mother too long but really...I don't think so.

trine k said...

ooo, that is exciting! You know I am holding you responsible to do exciting and adventurous things so I can live vicariously through you. So I am really thrilled at the possibilities this could mean for me! and you. good work at putting yourself out there- and I agree with amber marie, you really should be writing for someone professionally in the meantime- that would also be very very cool.

Mike Lau said...

I think you should look for a job involving WWII history seeing that you love band of brothers and such. Ask the army if they have any job openings involving that.

The Smith Family said...

You know, I agree with Amber. I was just telling my mom a couple days ago how you need to be a writer....and get paid for it because you're excellent!:) Maybe you should be calling up NBC or Fox News or something. Or maybe McCain. I think he needs a new speech writer--one with your fun and gusto!:)

Marge Bjork said...

oh wait, oh wait, but how often does that grease ball get gisele? all the time, all the time.

Laquina said...

I understand. Of all people you know I might just be the most far-fetched. Take my advice, when applying for international jobs you should mention either a television show, a favorite food or a famous actor from there and tell them how much you love it/them. It helps to be relatable. I think now that you are watching Absolutely fabulous you should apply all over England. But if you really want the "in" with the brits then mention Footballers Wives, gets me a BIG reaction every time.
If I was you I would take mike's advice and move to Hawaii and get a job at Pearl Harbor, nuff said.
I'm proud of you kiddo, baby steps all the way to the end-zone.

rich said...


If I wasn't in medical school, I would totally get a government job. I would try and join the CIA. I would be interning at conservative think tanks (I know I'm liberal, but the liberal think tanks are boring -- environment, peace, blah, blah, blah).

If all else fails, you should get a master's degree. I know someone who works at the Smithsonian, maybe she could hook you up.

Miriam Herm said...

i totally just raised the roof right now. then i made a high pitched train noise. ("woot! woot!)

the things you can get me to do, honestly.