Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Heart Global Warming

I am now convinced that somehow, without my knowledge, I have been thrust to the seventh circle of Hell. Snow on Graduation day, a fleeting tease of sunshine, and now 120 mph arctic winds from some frozen tundra. How did this happen? And more importantly, why isn’t anyone giving me money for a warm vacation?

Now generally I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. In fact, I love them about as much as I love having a root canal, nausea and buying an over-priced airline ticket all on the same day. But can someone please tell me what happened to global warming? What a scam! I was really planning on having a deliciously exotic tan at this point. You lied to me Al Gore. I want warmth all year long, and what do I get? Snow forecasts in the first freaking week of May. Just for that I will borrow a un-smogged SUV and drive it around pointlessly until I feel like those damaging pollutants have done their job.


Amber Marie said...

Ugh, I am so sick of you people whining about the winter-weather. If you don't like it, then move the heck away! You want summer? I have 90 degree weather right here baby, come and get it :)

But seriously, sorry about grad day being cold. that does suck. good luck on getting that suv.

Miriam Herm said...

maybe provo, utah was the wrong school location for you. maybe byu-hawaii? i suppose it's too late now. . .

Alyssa & Bruce said...

Get out! Pronto! Didn't you hear it's no longer Zion?! --They don't claim to be (zion) anymore for nothing.

Stephen said...

I know what your saying. In canada everyone jokes about it and says they can't wait because canada will become the new cancun with beautiful beaches but with no corruption. We have yet to see the day. If it will only affect the future generation then why not just stop polluting now and getting our hopes up. Its not like we'll see any benefits from our pollution. i'm with you!

Laquina said...

I don't get why everyone is dogging on Utah. We have four seasons here. And don't "they" say you should date for all four seasons? And if so, then isn't everyone without four seasons doing it wrong? How does anyone get married in a four season-less world? And maybe Utah is just like a woman with a "regular" schedule who just pms's on occasion using the weather. And which one of us cannot understand that?

And in conclusion...may I just say that the statue of liberty does NOT say RSVP.