Friday, October 16, 2009

Some deep thoughts for you to munch on

(Photo from

Because its Friday. And who actually works on a Friday afternoon? Nobody, that's who.

I was standing in front of my closet this morning, thinking "REALLY? Why do I even own this stuff? I really have NOTHING else?!" and I discarded at least half of it into my D.I. pile because it was all either too blousy or too frumpy or too chinsy or too embarrassing or just flat-out ugly. So I had to take a breather and do some 30-second meditating. Here is a glimpse into the enlightened workings of my inner mind whilst working on my ch'i:

Why is it that I can never just buy ONE pair of shoes when I go to Nordstrom Rack? I think it is physically impossible for me to walk out the exit doors unless I am holding at least 2 pair. Which is absurd, because OBVIOUSLY what I need is some new clothes, not shoes.

Speaking of shoes, I am convinced that Steve Maddens just do not fit the foot the way that they used to. Am I alone in this suspicion?

I am really slacking in keeping up with fall shows. I mean, I've got excuses I guess - like I travel a lot and I'm still into my Indian Summer of YA Fiction - but is there EVER a really good excuse to just NOT watch tv in the fall? I haven't even STARTED Gossip Girl - it's that bad! And there are a plethora of seemingly so-awful-it's-like-a-train-wreck-where-I-just-can't-look-away kinds of shows, like Melrose Place and Vampire Diaries and Sorority Wars. It's time to take my daily productivity down a notch, obviously.

And since it is now fall, it means time to start working on those Fall Goals! Namely, watching more tv (I WILL keep up with 30 Rock and Glee this season, I am determined) and getting some new clothes. From Target. NOT Gilt, WHITNEY LAU.

I really need a career, so I CAN shop at Gilt and simultaneously build up my retirement. But since that's not happening, thank you mom and dad for allowing your daughter to continue living a Peter Pan lifestyle.

To continue supporting procrastination, I present Cake Wrecks for your amusement. You've probably seen it already, but when I'm in need of a quick giggle Jen's dry wit and sarcasm are just a click away.

Three cheers to brain-mush Fridays!


Amber Marie said...

i do need more info on that anti-frizz hair stuff. and i just realized my mom reads your blog. i'll take that into account when i'm commenting from now on.

good job getting clothes at target because then when you throw them out in a couple months it won't matter cause they were cheap to begin with.

Marge Bjork said...

on a different note that is still inspired by above de-inspirational poster, I'll be really honest: I support men wearing short shorts.

The Smith Family said...

So random. I was hanging out with a friend in DC last night and she mentioned Cake Wrecks. Totally funny stuff.

Whits said...

Yes! I did notice that we had the same idea. Love it.

And you can't say I didn't warn you about Gilt :D But I do LOVE the blog mention

Whits said...

btw I went with Tara's recommendation of its a 10! :)

Bebe McGooch said...

DUDE. I bought some Steve Maddens a few months ago, and they totally do not fit the foot anymore like you say! And I'm sad because really those shoes I bought are far too trendy, therefore in a few years, everyone will think they're ugly, but I don't like to wear them so much now when it's time to experience trendydom because they're just so darn hard to walk in because they fit funny. Boo!

Bebe McGooch said...

And this is i i eee btw. Stupid google won't let me switch accounts. Boooo!