My grandparents have a cabin in Shaver Lake. They've owned it for. ev. er. My dad practically lived there every summer growing up. It's a nice place, and after NINE YEARS I was finally able to go back. Grams and Gramps love the place too - can you blame them - they live in FRESNO and they have a wonderfully nice secluded cabin in the woods, which is why their 8 children and their kids (and now apparently those kids with their spouses go for romantic getaways - which I would vote down if I could - I mean REALLY, its a family cabin not a honeymoon suite) rarely get to go. But I spent lots of time there as a wee thing with the sibs and cousins. Ah the memories . . .
So at the end of the summer we had a family vacation, the first in years with all 6 kids there, where we made a pilgrimage back to The Cabin - only to find ourselves doing a lot of this:
Well, after our nightly walk to Indian Rock where we star gaze and muse about the Indians who used to grind their corn there. Don't judge too harshly though - we are without cable at my house. A sore trial for everyone except my mom. Man vs. Wild always won out, which is no surprise as I'm used to being out-voted with 4 brothers, but don't be fooled . . . What Not To Wear came on during every commercial, and I didn't even have to request it.
As is was quite hot, we played at the lake during the day. And by "we played" I mean I sat in the boat and watched whilst the boys attempted to wake board and knee board and other painful activities I'd just rather NOT, and that suits me perfectly. I did spend a day rock jumping with the babies though, so that has to count for something. AND I tubed. Which any idiot with a decent grip can do. Idiot being the key word. Case in point:
I caught lots of air, Kyle jammed his finger, Paige bled, the twins cartwheeled over the water, and Zach and Sam hung on so tight that they SKIDDED on the water behind the tube because they refused to let go.
So, it was a success.
And everything that tubing should be.
Here we see some of the crew, but not me, because I'm obviously utilizing my talents: sitting and tanning and watching (judging).
Behold Captain Kevin, whom I also refer to as Dad, who only let The Helm out of his grasp whilst he wake boarded for a whopping ten minutes. How we ever survived those ten minutes I will never know, because a) the boat sat REALLY low and took on water every time the smallest of wakes splashed by, and b) there was a madman at The Helm (read: Lance). Twin + machinery = heart failure for those in the general vicinity.
Shockingly, there were no trips to the ER, broken bones, sprains, or deep gashes that needed stiches . . .
And that, dear friends, BARELY scratches the surface of what went down at The Family Vacation, but I shall spare you the rest. I really don't think I get thanked enough for posting so few pictures and stories of my family.
As a side note: Notice the wood-paneled door in the picture of us in the family room? It's locked, and only Grams and Gramps have the key which means no one, and I mean NO ONE (unless maybe their favorite child Amy) is allowed to step into the other side . . . Have I piqued your interest of the secret room on the other side of The Door? I'M not even sure what the room on the other side looks like. Which is why I can say with total confidence that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who comes to stay there looks for the spare key that may or may not be hidden somewhere in The Cabin. Consider it a treasure hunt, a quest.
ah, thank you so much! i started crying when i saw the first picture. what a fun time you guys had. where was the boat from? I love how 20 years later we are still doing the same activities at the cabin as we always have :) and watching typical!
I have seen the secret room- one time when grandma was there and my mom wanted to see it so she opened it up for her. But yes, that was the one and only time I've seen that door open. Don't you kind of miss the old kitchen?
I do kinda miss the old kitchen because it just fit the cabin, though it is nice to have it redone. And SO clean that it sparkles, so kudos Grandma. But I have a picture of me as a baby taking a bath in the sink when the kitchen was retro, and I remember loving it!
Oh Tara, I'm SO glad you posted that. I sit here and sigh, wishing for that lovely pine smell. Looks like you had a great time with the fam. Don't you miss the old kitchen with the old radiator thing that we would cuddle by when we were "freezing" in the mornings? I think it's still there, but not sure if it works. I just remember sitting there every morning, waiting for the the water to boil for the hot cocoa my dad would make as I tried to get warm with my feet dangling from the red kitchen chair. I remember hearing about you falling in the frozen creek--I think that was the year that I was cooped up with my stupid feet from surgery? Maybe? There's just such a certain charm that that cabin holds; maybe it's just all the good memories of my cousins and relatives. The motorcycle, ah. Oooh, and I have seen 'the room' too. Very cool, but I love that G&G keep it locked makes me smile, they're so funny. Thanks for the happy thoughts for the day Tara!
oh no! I'm so disappointed that people have actually seen into that room. Oh well, long live family cabins!
Notice how no one has mentioned what the room looks like or what is in it? Creepy....
It could be like the room Monica has on friends that Chandler finally breaks into that is full of junk. Because she is secretly messy! Love it.
Oh, maybe it's the "honeymoon room". Get my drift? Hubba-hubba.
Tara, you crack me up!! Now you know if you had an old cabin for 30 years and then built an addition for yourself to enjoy in the twilight of your life, you would NEVER let anyone else into that room when you have put up with 10-20 people crowded into the old portion of the cabin for 30+ years. Right?! Well, at least thats what I would do for sure. Love, Auntie
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