I confess that I sometimes forget Pennsylvania is a state. Or DID, rather, because now it is seared into my memory for all time. I think the problem was that when pondering upon the states in the contiguous US, I picture them in regions - and I never knew how to categorize PA. I sort of pictured Midwestern, even though it's Eastern, and Amish and countryside, even though it's the state of Ben Franklin and Philly. Yuck. And when I say yuck I am referring to Philadelphia based solely on stereotypes, not B. Frank whom I love dearly.
Anyway. The following is a list of the reasons why I just might have to get me a house in PA:
1) I'm a sucker for wide open spaces. Remember Lucy on The Peanuts Christmas, and she says she never gets what she REALLY wants for Christmas - Real Estate? I share the same dilemma. I stopped believing in Santa when I continued to NOT get a ranch for Christmas. Or a photograph of Rudolph.
2) This man. Mjr. Richard Winters of the 101st Airborne Division, who lives in Hershey, a mere 15 minutes from where I was staying. I love him. If only he weren't in his nineties and married. Such is my luck.

Not familiar with this stud? It's high time that you Netflix Band of Brothers then. And as extra motivation, the cast is really hot.
3) Speaking of love, I found my destiny on the plane ride back from Harrisburg connecting in Cincinnati. Truly, if ever there was a man made just for me, he was it. Beautiful, witty, workaholic, AND had a farm that sat on 300 acres which he HUNTED ON and rode ATVs on with his family. HELLO match made in heaven. Too bad he lives across the country. And didn't ask for my number. And don't feel like you need to tell me he's just not that into me, because I KNOW. A passionate celibacy is what I will have to content myself with I suppose, because I'm pretty sure he was my one shot at true love.
Moving on.
4) If one can judge a place by its airport, and I fully believe that one can, then I think this says all I needed to hear:
Yes, rocking chairs. Outside of security next to the kiosks. I mean really, why not? It's genius! AND comfy. I rocked for a good 15 minutes before waltzing up to security where I had to wait behind all of two people. I just felt so much more relaxed. LOVE IT.
Do you live in Pennsylvania and have a great job you want to give me? All you have to do is say the words and I'm there.